- Episode 18: A New Hope

We all lose someone in our lives. It’s part of…well, life, but it wasn’t part of the plan. We all deal with grief differently, and a majority of the time this is the tipping point for a lot of believers, or even those who were open to the idea of God/Christianity. This is the point where they say, “Forget it. If there is a loving and good God, why would he allow for bad things to happen?”, “Why would he let us go through this?” “Why didn’t he heal them?” “Why didn’t he answer my prayer?" 

This episode I tackle the question, "Why should I put my hope in Jesus?"

Transcript with citation can be read here:

Check me out at:
Twitter: @mattnewsdotbiz

Intro music:

Artist: Simber X Korey Wade
Song Title: "Got A Hold On Me"

Artist: Hale
Song Title: Caesura


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